Kundalini :
That energy which performs the triple fold function of Generation , Operation and Destruction of life,both animate and inanimate is called as the Kundalini Shakti. Every system right from the smallest atom ,planets , galaxies and universe has this Energy at its core. In Every human being as well, this energy lies coiled and dormant at the tip of the spine. When this energy move through the Sympathetic and para Sympathetic nervous systems , it acts as the Energy for desire and action , when the same Energy rises through the Central nervous system , it manifests as wisdom called as Gnana Sakthi (Intelligence).
This Kundalini energy can be clearly felt by the practioner after initiation at the Forebrain (Ajna) and in the Midbrain (Sahasrahara) as a pulse. This pulse is called as Meiunarvu or Divine vibration
Observing the Kundalini vibration that arises in the forehead eye is called kundalini meditation. One can observe this for 20 minutes in a session , once in the morning and evening. and can easily do all the daily activities and include this as another activity as the part of day to day life.
Spiritual Initiation or Deeksha (Upadesam):
When the life force is brought from the base of spine upward through the central canal (sushumna nadi) of the spinal cord crossing the backbrain and to the forehead eye by the grace of experienced spiritual instructor , it is called initiation. The screen covering the intellect is pierced by spiritual power generated by the Guru and then one can experience a throbbing or a tickling sensation or a sensation of heat , sometimes cold. This is the pulse of the soul and it is the ever present reality.
3rd Eye of Wisdom or Minds Eye or Eye of Wisdom
Location in Human body: The space between eyebrows , the two eyes and above the nose is a small opening which is very subtle path and is ordinarily closed. . This is the called the 3rd eye
Function : It is the seat of intellect. Just as the naked eye is capable of perceiving sensory light which results in vision , the 3rd eye is seat of thoughts and capable of visioning spiritual Divine Light. It biologically corrosponds to Pituitary gland which controls all the other endocrine glands
Normal Life and 3rd eye : All talents gets exhibited by the intellect when this functioning very well. For all successful people in the fields of arts , music , scientific research , sports , people management etc, a little current of Kundalini Energy must have found a way through the sushumna and lights up the higher faculty in Brain centers for them to be successful. Only people are not aware of it.
In the field of Yoga , we consciously understand the biologic , pyschic and causal mechanism from the 3rd eye meditation.
Benefits of practise
The biggest benefit of Kundalini Meditation is stimulation of good thoughts in ones mind and thereby guides the life from within for the practioner. It makes ones Self Realise things as they are
To the Body
When energy rises to brain and then flows into the body , it gives good feeling to the body. The bio heat generated as a result of meditation purifies blood.The various ills of the body also gets cleared.
To the Mind
When Kundalini meditation is practised sincerely , the mind flows as a clear stream just like water currents in the middle of sea. The stress that comes with various responsibilities of life tends to wane away over a period of time depending upon practioner
To the intellect
The pleasure of the Divine Vibration in the brain enriches the intellect with wisdom. This is called as Bliss. The more bliss one experiences , the more peaceful the mind and more sharper the intellect becomes culminating in the full blown experience of Self Realisation or State of Nirvana (Samadhi)
That energy which performs the triple fold function of Generation , Operation and Destruction of life,both animate and inanimate is called as the Kundalini Shakti. Every system right from the smallest atom ,planets , galaxies and universe has this Energy at its core. In Every human being as well, this energy lies coiled and dormant at the tip of the spine. When this energy move through the Sympathetic and para Sympathetic nervous systems , it acts as the Energy for desire and action , when the same Energy rises through the Central nervous system , it manifests as wisdom called as Gnana Sakthi (Intelligence).
This Kundalini energy can be clearly felt by the practioner after initiation at the Forebrain (Ajna) and in the Midbrain (Sahasrahara) as a pulse. This pulse is called as Meiunarvu or Divine vibration
Observing the Kundalini vibration that arises in the forehead eye is called kundalini meditation. One can observe this for 20 minutes in a session , once in the morning and evening. and can easily do all the daily activities and include this as another activity as the part of day to day life.
Spiritual Initiation or Deeksha (Upadesam):
When the life force is brought from the base of spine upward through the central canal (sushumna nadi) of the spinal cord crossing the backbrain and to the forehead eye by the grace of experienced spiritual instructor , it is called initiation. The screen covering the intellect is pierced by spiritual power generated by the Guru and then one can experience a throbbing or a tickling sensation or a sensation of heat , sometimes cold. This is the pulse of the soul and it is the ever present reality.
3rd Eye of Wisdom or Minds Eye or Eye of Wisdom
Location in Human body: The space between eyebrows , the two eyes and above the nose is a small opening which is very subtle path and is ordinarily closed. . This is the called the 3rd eye
Function : It is the seat of intellect. Just as the naked eye is capable of perceiving sensory light which results in vision , the 3rd eye is seat of thoughts and capable of visioning spiritual Divine Light. It biologically corrosponds to Pituitary gland which controls all the other endocrine glands
Normal Life and 3rd eye : All talents gets exhibited by the intellect when this functioning very well. For all successful people in the fields of arts , music , scientific research , sports , people management etc, a little current of Kundalini Energy must have found a way through the sushumna and lights up the higher faculty in Brain centers for them to be successful. Only people are not aware of it.
In the field of Yoga , we consciously understand the biologic , pyschic and causal mechanism from the 3rd eye meditation.
Benefits of practise
The biggest benefit of Kundalini Meditation is stimulation of good thoughts in ones mind and thereby guides the life from within for the practioner. It makes ones Self Realise things as they are
To the Body
When energy rises to brain and then flows into the body , it gives good feeling to the body. The bio heat generated as a result of meditation purifies blood.The various ills of the body also gets cleared.
To the Mind
When Kundalini meditation is practised sincerely , the mind flows as a clear stream just like water currents in the middle of sea. The stress that comes with various responsibilities of life tends to wane away over a period of time depending upon practioner
To the intellect
The pleasure of the Divine Vibration in the brain enriches the intellect with wisdom. This is called as Bliss. The more bliss one experiences , the more peaceful the mind and more sharper the intellect becomes culminating in the full blown experience of Self Realisation or State of Nirvana (Samadhi)
The word Kundalini is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘Kundal’ meaning coiled up. It is the primordial dormant energy present in three-and-a-half, coils at the base of the spine in a triangular bone called the Sacrum. The Latin name ‘Os Sacrum’ suggests that it is a holy or sacred part of the body. The ancient Greeks were aware of this and therefore they called it the ‘Hieron Osteon’, noting that it was the last bone to be destroyed when the body is burnt, and also attributed supernatural powers to it. Egyptians also held this bone to be very valuable and considered it the seat of special power.
In the West, Sacrum is symbolised by the sign of Aquarius and by the Holy Grail, container of the water of life.
The Kundalini, which is to nourish the tree of life within us, is coiled up like a serpent and therefore it has been called, ‘The Serpent Power’. It has been described in great detail in the Upanishads. Kundalini Yoga is supposed to be supreme in all the Yogas. Guru Vashistha asserted that Kundalini is the seat of absolute knowledge. The awareness of the presence of this primordial energy Kundalini within the human body was considered by the sages and saints to be the highest knowledge. The Kundalini and Chakras have been vividly described in Vedic and Tantric texts.
Adi Sankaracharya
He lived in the 7th-8th century AD. and wrote:
‘Having filled the pathway of the Nadis with the streaming shower of nectar flowing from the Lotus feet, having resumed thine own position from out of the resplendent Lunar regions and Thyself assuming the form of a serpent of three and a half coils, sleepest thou, in the hollow of Kula Kunda (Kula Kunda means the hollow of Mooladhara Sacrum bone)’.
‘Saundarya Lahari’: ‘Thou art residing in secrecy with Thy Lord (The spirit) in the thousand petalled Lotus, having pierced through the Earth situated in ‘Mooladhara’, the Water in Manipura, the Fire abiding in the Svadhisthana, the Air in the Heart (‘Anahata’), the Ether above (Visshuddhi) and ‘Manas’ between the eyebrows (‘Agnya’) and thus broken through the entire ‘Kula Path’.’
Gyaneshwara, another famous saint of Maharashtra born around 1275 AD, described Kundalini in the 6th chapter of his famous book ‘Gyaneshwari’. He wrote:
‘Kundalini is one of the greatest energies. The whole body of the seeker starts glowing because of the rising of the Kundalini. Because of that, unwanted impurities in the body disappear. The body of the seeker suddenly looks very proportionate and the eyes look bright and attractive and the eyeballs glow.’
- (Gyaneshwari, Chapter VI).
- (Gyaneshwari, Chapter VI).
Guru Nanak Dev
(born in 1496 AD) has made references to Kundalini awakening as mentioned below:
“A pure heart is the golden vessel to fill the Divine Nectar which is to be sucked from the ‘Dasham Dwar’ through the two channels ‘Ida’ and ‘Pingala’.” Dasham Dwar means Brahmarandhra. (Sahasrara Chakra).
‘God has made this human body a house with six Chakras and has established the light of spirit in it. Cross the ocean of Maya and meet the eternal God who does not come, who does not go, who neither takes birth nor dies. When your six Chakras meet in line, Surati (Kundalini) takes you beyond distortions.’ (Sri Guru Granth). Note that the seventh Chakra was not open at this time.![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_vAhWEaGJlIG8ATzrRgrmW5537fUK17GpW7oTBEIlqhg24g1xRHpfPtbVCZubGSNNp1QjRxJ0KLC-JbKGCM10O_qx7wAFKMCfHwlE8dZPc=s0-d)
In the Holy Koran
Prophet Mohammed Sahib talked of the day of resurrection when he says that the ‘hands will speak’. ‘That day, we set a seal on their mouths, but their hands will speak to us, and their hands bear witness to all that they did.’ When Kundalini awakening occurs, a flow of energy in the form of cool vibrations from the hands is experienced, and the various Chakras can be felt on parts of the hand and fingers.
Christians called it a reflection of the Holy Ghost, and worshipped its manifestations as tongues of flames over the heads of apostles during the Pentecost reunion.
Moses saw it in the form of the burning bush. During the exodus the israelites lost faith and were smitten by fiery serpents so God told Moses “make thee a serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it on a pole, and it came to pass, that if a fiery serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived” An apt description of the healing quailities of the awakened Kundalini. Some of the Israelites even began to worship this symbol, and the practice of worshipping the brazen serpent on the pole as a god was either passed on, or was revived later. Bronze and stone serpent artifacts have been found in excavations in Canaan, Gezer and other parts of Israel!
The Old Testament symbol becomes significant in christianity when Christ suggests Kundalini awakening, not just for the tribe of Israel but as the true destiny of all Christians: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even as the son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life”
He says unequivocally in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas and elsewhere, that ‘The Holy Spirit is My Mother’. ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’ (Luke 17:21).
In the Tao Te Ching the primordial power is described as that of a mother. Lao Tze described Kundalini as the “spirit of the valley” (in which flows the Nadi of Sushumna). The spirit of the valley never dies. The spiritual instrument within us can be described as a microcosm (miniature form of creation) which links us with the Divine. The ancient esoteric text “Scripture of the Golden Flower” also spoke of the effects of the awakened kundalini enerhy.
The Lord Buddha spoke of the “middle path” to achieve nirvana. He was actually describing the central channel (sushumna) through which the Kundalinii ascends. Later Buddhist masters considered that the existence of the path of liberation within a human being was the greatest secret. They transmitted it to only a few deserving disciples.
One also finds symbols of Kundalini in many different cultural legacies, such as Mercury’s serpent which is an alchemical symbol for the process of psychic metamorphosis. The Gnostics understood the serpent to represent the spinal cord. In ancient Greek and later, Roman mythology, we find Asclepius, the god of healing. He is seen holding a staff which is entwined with a serpent (or sometimes two). Why did the Greeks relate this symbol to healing? The staff represents the central support of the human body or spinal cord (physical location of the sushumna. In Rome Aescaluius came tobe represented mercury who usually held a healing staff called the Caduceus.The one or two coiled snakes or serpents entwined around the staff, represent the kundalini which rises along the central subtle channel in a spiral double helical movement.
Kundalini is a dormant energy within most peple.
In Hindu mythology, Kundalini is a serpent goddess who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around the first chakra. Her name is Kundalini Shakti, and she represents the unfolding of the divine Shakti energy, the energizing potential of life itself, a living goddess who enlivens all things.
Under certain circumstances, the Kundalini energy awakens and begins to rise through the body, piercing and opening the chakras as she moves in her undulating, snake-like fashion. As Kundalini releases stored and blocked energies, her movement can be quite intense, sometimes painful, and often leads to mental states that seem out of this world.
Circumstances that stimulate Kundalini awakening are many and varied, but are usually triggered by such things as extended periods of meditation, yoga, fasting, stress, trauma, psychedelic drugs, or near death experiences.
Kundalini is a condensed, primal force, similar to the potential energy found in water. When released, it creates a vertical connection between the chakras by opening the subtle channels known as nadi, most specifically, the central channel that moves up the spine called sushumna. If we put water through a small hose at very high pressure, the end of the hose will undulate like a snake. Similarly, the intense energy of Kundalini undulates in the body as it rises through the chakras.
Kundalini can also be seen as a result of the chakras connecting to each other. Theoretically, as the chakras enlarge, the spinning of one can enchance the spinning of the one above or below it.
Kundalini is basically a healing force, but its effects can sometimes be quite unpleasant. Such effects may last for minutes, days, months, or even years.
If you find yourself dealing with uncomfortable Kundalini awakening symptoms, you should:
1) Purify the body. Abstain from recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and caffein, prescription drugs. Avoid food additives, high sugars, or greasy foods. Eat well, especially protein which is generally grounding. Get massage and vigorous exercise.
2) Reduce stress. If you are in for a major spiritual transformation, make time for the necessary changes in your life. You may need to devote more time to your spirituality or health.
3) Find Support. Find other who have knowledge of this experience.
4) Educate yourself. Read about Kundalini, Kundalini awakening,Yoga and learn about Chakras.
5) Treat underlying psychological issues. As Kundalini brings up unresolved issues, this is the best time to deal with them. It will make the ride smoother.
6) Examine your spiritual practices. If you have not been practicing meditation, yoga or some spiritual practice, it may be time to begin. You might need to stop meditating for a while if it increases unpleasant Kundalini awakening symptoms. See what increases or decreases the unpleasant effects.
7) Practice grounding. Kundalini is most difficult when the energy is moving upward without enough energy moving downward to balance. Investigate the possibility of the first chakra issues that need to be resolved in order to give a firmer base. Practice grounding exercise daily.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini yoga is an ancient form of yoga that has only been practiced in the west relatively recently. In 1969, Yogi Bhajan founded 3HO (the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) to introduce Kundalini to a broader population. Although Kundalini had not previously been taught to the public, Yogi Bhajan felt that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy its benefits.
What is Does Kundalini Mean?
The Kundalini is untapped energy (prana) at the base of the spine that can be drawn up through the body awakening each of the seven chakras. Full enlightenment occurs when this energy reaches the Crown Chakra. Kundalini energy is often represented as a snake coiled at the base of the spine.
Focus on Breath and Movement
Each Kundalini Yoga asana series is done in conjunction with a specific breath that intensifies the effects of the poses with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards. Kundalini sequences (called kriyas) may consist of rapid, repetitive movements done with breath or holding a pose while breathing in a particular way.
What to Expect in a Kundalini Class
A Kundalini class begins with a short chant followed by a warm-up to stretch the spine and improve flexibility. The main work of the class is called a kriya, which is a proscribed sequence of poses and pranayama that focuses on a specific area of the body. The teacher typically does not make manual adjustments. The class ends with a meditation, which may be accompanied by the teacher playing a large gong, and a closing song. Kundalini devotees often wear flowing white robes and head wraps.
Is Kundalini for You?
Kundalini is one of the more spiritual types of yoga. It goes beyond the physical performance of poses with its emphasis on breathing, meditation, mudras and chanting. However, the Kundalini sequences can be very physically intense. This type of yoga appeals to those who are up for both mental and physical challenges.